18th March 2013
It is not often that a father has the opportunity to install his son in the chair of a Lodge and even rarer when the father is The Grand Master of another Order.
Our Assistant Provincial Grand Master V.W. Bro Michael Clark R.A.M.G.R and I were treated to an absolutely splendid ceremony on the 18th March 2013 at the installation of the new Commander in Prince Setanta Ram No 1446 at Poulton Masonic Hall.
W. Bro Mel Cross Prov R.A.G.R and Mark Provincial Tyler (who is The Grand Master of the Order of St. Thomas of Acon) installed his son Bro Anthony Cross as the Worshipful Commander of the Lodge.
The meeting was made more special in that it was conducted in a word perfect manner by all officers especially the Cross Brothers without any prompts from the DC who was the only person checking with a book in his hand.
Picture above shows: V.W. Bro Michael Clark, W.Bro Anthony Cross, W. Bro Mel Cross and
W. Bro John Forster the P.G.M Special Representative

It was a credit to all concerned and this special evening was concluded with an excellent meal of  pate, braised steak and sticky toffee pudding, during which the wine flowed freely. A jolly good time was had by all especially by V.W. Bro Clark who also attended the same lodge last year but due to the failure of the caterer to appear he was forced to make do with fish and chips from a shop on his way home.

Report and Photograph courtesy of Geoff Lee, G.J.D., Prov. G. Secretary